We all have heard the importance of training but we often forget that being deliberate and consistent with it is as important as working on your job or business. With training regularly, we can increase our stamina, boost confidence and reduce stress. Also, why not, measure your performance and reward yourself!

Training is an act of caring for you.

Yes, I know, we ‘Don’t have Time’ but training only helps increase efficiency and a just 20 minutes of exercise  can actually increase your 10 hours of productivity!

Training can be physical or mental, does training yourself  means to brush yourself for long hours in gym, absolutely Not! You choose what you love to do, it can be dancing, doing Yoga, taking workshops, or learning about technology or just releasing your stress and understanding your emotions through movement therapy. The most important thing is to move your body daily, with discipline and determination.

If you are running a company, then focus on giving the right training to your team. With organized and regular training programs, your team will be a better place to work. The health of your business is not so different from that of your body and we need to take care of both of them! Training can save lives. It keeps you & your team healthy and prepared no matter what crises arise. In a life- threatening situation, you’re in one of the two categories : either you have no training and you’re guessing or you’ve had training and have very specific idea of what you can do. Which category would you like to be in: trained or untrained.

One shot training or one day training might seem like a sure shot way of learning and progress but is surely not. Perfection comes from repetition or how ‘Chet Holmes’ say, ‘ with Pig-headed determination and discipline’ No one gets good at anything without repetition! By rotating core material regularly, the same concepts are constantly reinforced and reiterated.

Trainings are a non-negotiable commitment and must be mandatory, no excuses allowed!

 So, Train or be derailed!

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